Address and contacts
Finax, o.c.p., a.s.
Bajkalská 19B
82101 Bratislava
Banking connection
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK42 1100 0000 0029 4805 0714
Reference: Your Finax account number – how do I find my account number?
Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Bank account number: 0826 6882/0800
Reference: Your Finax account number – how do I find my account number?
Bank: OTP Bank Nyrt.
IBAN: HU10 1170 4007 2204 1531 0000 0000
Reference: Your Finax account number – how do I find my account number?
Bank: BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA
IBAN: PL18 1600 0003 1740 8221 7000 0001
Reference: Your Finax account number – how do I find my account number?
Please place only 10 characters in the payment reference, which are 10 digits indicating the portfolio number, without any other notes.
Deposits to the Zloty Portfolio must be made to a different bank account than those for our other portfolios.
Payment details for Zloty Portfolio deposits:
Account name: FINAX CLIENTS
IBAN: PL17 1600 0003 1740 8221 7000 0019
Reference: Your Finax account number – how do I find my account number?
In the case of the Zloty Portfolio or the Zloty Bond Portfolio, please enter only the 6 alphanumeric characters indicating your portfolio number in the payment reference, with no additional notes.

We have answered your most frequent questions. See FAQ.
+421 2 3244 7760E-mail:
client@finax.euCustomer support is here for you
My team and I will gladly help you and answer any of your questions. We are here for you from Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm.