Juraj Hrbatý

Articles by Author

Finax plans for 2021 | Finax.EN
10. February 2021

Finax plans for 2021

Building a financial business out of thin air and competing in the first league with the biggest players in the game after only 3 years is an exceptional success given the circumstances in Slovakia. Ladies and gentlemen, Finax really did it!

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Book Review: The Millionaire Next Door | Finax.EN
12. January 2021

Book Review: The Millionaire Next Door

Have you ever thought about how the regular people become millionaires? The authors of the book The Millionaire Next Door, William D. Danko and Thomas J. Stanley, spent years analyzing the behavior of American millionaires. This book will show you the way to become a millionaire yourself.

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12 tips on how to save hundreds of Euros monthly | Finax.eu
5. January 2021

12 tips on how to save hundreds of Euros monthly

Let’s be honest, saving money is difficult. If you can’t make yourself start saving money, you are not alone. Majority of people live from paycheck to paycheck, and that’s not alright! Many of you could benefit from a list of simple steps that will help you increase your savings.

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10 tips on how to reduce your WEEKLY expenses | Finax.EN
8. December 2020

10 tips on how to reduce your WEEKLY expenses

Saving money can be difficult. However, if we do it regularly, we can make it a habit and over time it can lead to significant wealth. The last blog was focused on the bigger, monthly expenses. Today, we will have a better look at the weekly expenses.

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Book review: Rich dad, poor dad | Finax.eu
25. November 2020

Book review: Rich dad, poor dad

This book made me look at money from a different perspective than I had known before. Everyone who is interested in managing their personal finances in a better way should read this book. It should be a part of your path to financial literacy.

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Book review: Playing with Fire | Finax.EN
9. June 2020

Book review: Playing with Fire

The book that transformed my perspective of personal finance. It stood at the conception of my attitude towards financial independence. A great book that forces you to think about your values in the context of your finances.

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20. May 2020

Emergency fund – the first checkpoint on your savings journey

Unemployment, longer incapacity for work, pandemic, leaking roof, broken car or just unexpectedly high energy arrears. If you don’t want the problems that life brings to get out of hand and require you to take out unnecessary loans, you need to be prepared. The emergency fund serves exactly for this purpose. But how much should you “put aside”? Where should you keep the emergency fund? Is your current bank account sufficient or can you invest it?

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| Finax en
23. April 2020

COVID-19 will put a strain on our family budgets - how to be prepared

At the point of a massive outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe, we were all focused primarily on our health and ways to effectively protect ourselves from the virus. The initial panic caused by the virus is slowly fading. However, there is yet another threat looming over the economy. How to be financially prepared for the upcoming months?

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