Klaudia Sibielak

Articles by Author

2. September 2022

6 Tips to Teach Kids Handle Money

If you want to grant your child the best start in adult life, it's essential to ensure they know how to handle money. Financial education is the key to a prosperous financial future, making it a good idea to lead your child to form the right habits from an early age.

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7 Cures For a Lean Purse, or What Can We Learn from a Century-Old Book | Finax.eu
4. February 2022

7 Cures For a Lean Purse, or What Can We Learn from a Century-Old Book

"The Richest Man in Babylon" is invariably popular among financial educators. That’s why we decided to check whether the teachings of the book completed almost a century ago are still relevant.

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17. October 2021

Women, let's invest!

Finances, capital markets, investments. Not long ago, these topics were wrongly attributed exclusively to men. Today we will show you why this stereotype should be forgotten as soon as possible and prove that long-term investing is a woman's domain.

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