Investment academy

Rules that every successful investor obeys.

Inflation Is not Turning. How to Surf Its Wave Successfully? |
3. June 2022

Inflation Is not Turning. How to Surf Its Wave Successfully?

After years of near-zero inflation, the prices of rent, fuel, chicken breasts, and antiperspirants are rising sharply. Some blame the state, while others consider transferring wealth to commodities. We are happy to introduce a series of blogs that will explain the origins of this situation and how to arrange for your budget to withstand it.

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How to Keep Your Head During Market Downturns When Everyone Around You Is Losing It? |
27. May 2022

How to Keep Your Head During Market Downturns When Everyone Around You Is Losing It?

I'm sure you know the feeling. The financial markets have started to decline, and you’ve invested in them. What you knew was an integral part of investing, but hadn't yet experienced yourself, suddenly happens – your portfolio abruptly starts losing units or low tens of percentages. The media is full of catastrophic predictions, and social networks are buzzing with the desperation of speculators who didn't get out of the market in time. However, you may also be on the "other" side and, after months of hesitation, wondering if it is finally time to get in and start investing. But how to do it without getting burned?

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10 Answers Regarding Investments and the Conflict in Ukraine |
16. March 2022

10 Answers Regarding Investments and the Conflict in Ukraine

Most of us were shocked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The geographical proximity of the conflict, the unprecedented and unpredictable rampage of the Russian authorities raise many questions and spread uncertainty. Hence, we are bringing you rational, fact-based answers to questions regarding investing you are probably concerned with.

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What to do when the markets drop? |
9. February 2022

What to do when the markets drop?

After a prolonged period of peace and strong growth, stock markets have experienced increased volatility and declines. We bring you recommendations on how to behave during fluctuations in the financial markets in order to finish the journey towards your financial goals on a high note.

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I want to invest. How to set up my investment correctly? |
13. January 2022

I want to invest. How to set up my investment correctly?

I often get the question of what account strategy to choose, if the client has, for example, several thousand euros available. More important than the invested amount itself, however, is the reason underpinning your decision to invest and the goal you want to achieve with the investment.

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We were deceived by the Wolf of Wall Street. What kind of investing has allured young people? |
1. October 2021

We were deceived by the Wolf of Wall Street. What kind of investing has allured young people?

Are you lured to buy stocks and cryptocurrencies through smartphone apps by your peers or influencers? Do they promise a chance to fabulous wealth? Be careful, most such accounts end up in a loss. If you are considering starting to invest but you want to find out about the pitfalls that young investors are currently facing beforehand, this article has been written for you.

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19. July 2021

How to detect speculative investments

If you have discovered the world of investing and realized that a passive approach, where you regularly set aside certain amounts for your future goal, is the ideal way to invest for you, you have chosen the right path.

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How do we calculate portfolio returns |
3. June 2021

How do we calculate portfolio returns

Many clients consider portfolio return to be the most important piece of information. Finax is implementing the market standard for calculating the appreciation – the time-weighted return. This article describes how the return is calculated.

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