Investment academy

Rules that every successful investor obeys.

Estate tax on US shares  |
8. April 2021

Estate tax on US shares

The US stock market is the most important market in the world, so it naturally attracts investors from all over the world. However, the US tax system has some special laws, which also affect the investments. Did you know that by investing directly in US shares, you run the risk of a high estate tax?

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Investing in gold – dangers and shortcomings | Finax.EN
13. July 2020

Investing in gold – dangers and shortcomings

Interest in gold has been growing in recent months. Dealers are using the economic recession as an argument in favour of gold, which confuses many potential investors. We have analysed the history of gold as well as its parameters. We bring you information on how much you can earn on gold, how much this product costs, whether it is worth buying gold at all, what to look out for and when and how to invest in It properly.

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Dividend stocks -  are they worth investing in?|
11. July 2020

Dividend stocks - are they worth investing in?

Many investors are interested in dividend stocks. In our region, they are considered to be a great investment tool that pays out regular return. But is this really the case? We will explain why dividend investing is not at all ideal, why you should not even take it into consideration and why other types of investment are significantly better.

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Investments in corporate bonds and their risks in times of crisis | Finax.en
2. July 2020

Investments in corporate bonds and their risks in times of crisis

The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic may shock the people investing in the Slovak corporate bonds. Bond is a very broad concept. Some bonds are one of the safest securities in the world, others are among the riskiest instruments. What are the risks associated with direct investment in a corporate bond compared to a bond fund, how to invest properly in bonds and how does Finax invest your money in bonds?

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23. April 2020

2 tips for optimizing your family finances during the crisis

A good manager tries to benefit from every situation. While the last blog was dedicated to saving the family budget, this time we will try to help households emerge from the crisis with healthier and stronger outlook on family finances.

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24. March 2020

3 lessons from 2019

The year 2019 could have taught us a lot in terms of investing, just as 2020 has already had to offer a good deal of lessons. It is the last time we look back at the previous year, and even against the backdrop of current events, we are happy to introduce you the basic lessons for the benefit of your investment.

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How much money have you lost, because you decided to postpone investing? |
22. March 2020

How much money have you lost, because you decided to postpone investing?

When was the last time you said to yourself that you need to start investing but you could not take the first step? We calculated how much money did the postponement of investment cost you.

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Are ETFs a bubble? |
27. November 2019

Are ETFs a bubble?

Recently, there have been reports going around in the media criticizing passive investing and warning of ETFs. Among the authors of these negative news can be found not only legendary investors, but also Slovak brokers. Do investments in ETFs really carry a higher risk? Finax has built the portfolios on these great tools, so we see it as our duty to clarify this matter.

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