Personal finance

Find out how to maximize the potential of your finances and what you should watch out for.

7. November 2022

Where Can I Get the Highest Pension? Is the European Pension, 3rd Pillar, or Intelligent Investing the Best?

The European Pension is a fresh competition to the Slovak 3rd pillar. It represents a cheaper and more efficient solution. On the other hand, it lacks state support. Which of the parameters prevails, leading to a higher pension? Which is the best option for retirement savings, the European pension or the 3rd pillar? We have done the calculations for you.

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27. October 2022

European Pension, 3rd Pillar, or Finax – Where to Save for Retirement?

Many of you have noticed that Finax introduced a new product, the European pension (PEPP) into its offering. Logical questions arise: Is this product more beneficial than the 3rd pillar when saving for retirement? Which product should you choose? Below is a comparison of the basic parameters of the European Pension and 3rd pillar.

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6. October 2022

10 Tips for Reducing Electricity Costs Without Large Investments

The following tips can help you save tens to hundreds of euros a year on your electricity bills with little or no investment.

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23. September 2022

How to Create a Long-Term Financial Plan

Have you read our previous blogs and agreed that the state should not be relied upon when it comes to our financial future and that most investment options in the CEE region have major, potentially dangerous shortcomings? Then Finax is the right choice for you – it's time to research what style of investing suits you the best.

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16. September 2022

How to Handle Your Money Wisely According to Netflix?

The current economic environment in much of the western world combines elements of a "perfect storm" - rising interest rates, soaring energy and heat prices, and damaged supply chains formed a confluence of factors unseen for decades. All of this will impact not only the economies of states and governments but mainly the financial health of everyone - individuals and families alike.

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Inflation in the Fridge: 15 Tips to Save on Groceries |
7. September 2022

Inflation in the Fridge: 15 Tips to Save on Groceries

The current inflationary tsunami has hit most basic goods, not bypassing groceries. Compared to the past, greater portions of our paychecks get literally eaten. We are bringing several tips to armor yourself on this front, saving tens of euros a month.

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Beating Inflation with a Raise – How to Ask for It? |
24. June 2022

Beating Inflation with a Raise – How to Ask for It?

When the term inflation gets mentioned in a discussion, most people visualize an immaterial thief. Prices are rising, incomes stagnating, and we can afford less. Is it necessarily true that inflation only takes and never gives? What can we do to maintain the purchasing power of our wages or pensions?

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Hrbatý: Read Why My Parents Aren’t Panicking Despite the Market Declines |
18. May 2022

Hrbatý: Read Why My Parents Aren’t Panicking Despite the Market Declines

In recent months, the markets have prepared quite a wild ride for us again. One fact struck me as surprising, given how deep the markets fell. My parents haven’t contacted me with concerns about their investments in Finax yet. They are calm. Why is that?

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