Personal finance

Find out how to maximize the potential of your finances and what you should watch out for.

6 reasons why all women should invest |
13. May 2022

6 reasons why all women should invest

There is a saying in the financial world stating that women save, and men invest. I wish we could dismiss this as not being valid anymore, but the opposite is true. Even today, women who have money to spare tend to put it aside instead of trying to appreciate it.

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Which Appliances Bite Off the Most Energy in Our Homes? |
4. May 2022

Which Appliances Bite Off the Most Energy in Our Homes?

Even in saving endeavors, some actions bear more fruit than others. That's why, in response to your feedback, we've compiled a list of the most energy-demanding household appliances. They deserve the most attention when trying to reduce your monthly utility bills. The article, therefore, contains tips and calculations on how to save money with each appliance.

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Gasoline Worth an Arm and a Leg. 10 Tips to Save on Fuel |
20. April 2022

Gasoline Worth an Arm and a Leg. 10 Tips to Save on Fuel

High inflation and the conflict in Ukraine have turned gas station visits into an unpleasant experience for our wallets. That's why we're bringing you the second part of our series on saving on everyday essential expenses. This time, we'll discuss a few tips on how to save tens of euros on fuel each month.

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5 Tips Not to Succumb to Advertisements and Emotional Shopping |
14. April 2022

5 Tips Not to Succumb to Advertisements and Emotional Shopping

From every direction, we are constantly stormed with advertisements that try to convince us their product is the best and life without it is deadly dull. Is it true? Together let's examine how to avoid emotional purchases once and for all. Especially in these days of rising prices, consumer discipline is crucial to keep the family budget under control.

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10 Tips to Lower Your Electricity and Gas Bills |
30. March 2022

10 Tips to Lower Your Electricity and Gas Bills

The rising costs of natural gas, electricity, and fuel can bite off an uncomfortably large chunk of a family budget. Right now is the time to adopt habits that will push your bills back down to affordable levels. Here are 10 tips that will save you energy costs not just today, but for all winters to come.

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Invest Cost-Free for a Year – Transfer Your Investments to a Better Place |
8. March 2022

Invest Cost-Free for a Year – Transfer Your Investments to a Better Place

Transfer your investments from competitors to Finax to April 15th 2022 and we'll manage them free of charge for a year. Take advantage of a special promotion for new and existing clients and build wealth faster and more profitably.

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7 Cures For a Lean Purse, or What Can We Learn from a Century-Old Book |
4. February 2022

7 Cures For a Lean Purse, or What Can We Learn from a Century-Old Book

"The Richest Man in Babylon" is invariably popular among financial educators. That’s why we decided to check whether the teachings of the book completed almost a century ago are still relevant.

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Results of an extensive survey on cars |
11. January 2022

Results of an extensive survey on cars

Are you also interested in how Finax clients think about their cars, what cars do they use, how many years do they keep them on average and lots of other interesting statistics? We have compiled data from a large survey conducted by Finax.

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