Personal finance

Find out how to maximize the potential of your finances and what you should watch out for.

12 tips on how to save hundreds of Euros monthly |
5. January 2021

12 tips on how to save hundreds of Euros monthly

Let’s be honest, saving money is difficult. If you can’t make yourself start saving money, you are not alone. Majority of people live from paycheck to paycheck, and that’s not alright! Many of you could benefit from a list of simple steps that will help you increase your savings.

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10 tips on how to reduce your WEEKLY expenses | Finax.EN
8. December 2020

10 tips on how to reduce your WEEKLY expenses

Saving money can be difficult. However, if we do it regularly, we can make it a habit and over time it can lead to significant wealth. The last blog was focused on the bigger, monthly expenses. Today, we will have a better look at the weekly expenses.

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Book review: Rich dad, poor dad |
25. November 2020

Book review: Rich dad, poor dad

This book made me look at money from a different perspective than I had known before. Everyone who is interested in managing their personal finances in a better way should read this book. It should be a part of your path to financial literacy.

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Book review: Your Money or Your Life | Finax.EN
17. August 2020

Book review: Your Money or Your Life

Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) has become a goal of many people in recent years. The idea of early retirement and having free time certainly sounds better than living in a predetermined way: 40 years of work and surviving in retirement. Today, we will have a look at a genre classic from 1992 - Your Money or Your Life written by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, which represents the beginning of the FIRE movement.

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Free audit of your investment and savings products | Finax.EN
19. July 2020

Free audit of your investment and savings products

Have you ever wondered whether you are investing correctly? Do you have any doubts regarding the profitability of your mutual funds, investment portfolios, unit linked insurance plan or you have no idea what fees you have to pay? Finax offers you a free review of investment products. We will compare the costs, historical returns and risks of your instruments with Finax's portfolios. Find out how you can get answers to the questions that come to your mind?

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Financing a real estate purchase | Finax.en
16. July 2020

Financing a real estate purchase

In recent years, the National Bank of Slovakia has taken several measures in order to mitigate the risks associated with the rapid growth of Slovak household indebtedness. Easily available 100% mortgages are a thing of the past. If you want to live on your own today, in addition to rising real estate prices, you also have to deal with several banks’ requirements.

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Financial minimalism | Finax.EN
11. June 2020

Financial minimalism

Minimalism is often mistaken for a “lack of stuff”. But in fact, it means the exact opposite – having enough of everything we need for a truly happy life. And we definitely don’t need to spend a ton of money on that.

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Book review: Playing with Fire | Finax.EN
9. June 2020

Book review: Playing with Fire

The book that transformed my perspective of personal finance. It stood at the conception of my attitude towards financial independence. A great book that forces you to think about your values in the context of your finances.

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