
Articles by Keyword

What causes the stocks to grow? |
22. March 2024

What Causes Stocks to Grow?

The main reason why stocks are the best wealth-building investment for most people is very simple – their price constantly grows in the long-run (as an asset group, not necessarily each individual title). This growth is questioned by many. Let’s examine its main drivers.

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5. January 2023

Watch the 10 best movies about finance

Winter is coming... and with it, a great time to catch up on movies. Inspired by a study by U.S. researchers, today we bring you a subjective list of the 10 best movies about the financial world to watch online.

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6 Tips by Rich People You Can Adopt as Well |
13. July 2022

6 Tips by Rich People You Can Adopt as Well

Nearly 80% of the affluent have built their wealth from scratch. Juraj Hrbatý is one of them. Rather than inheriting his fortune, he worked his way up to it. Yet he still keeps his head down and doesn't waste money. Read on for a list of his advice that can help you improve your financial future.

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12 tips on how to save hundreds of Euros monthly |
5. January 2021

12 tips on how to save hundreds of Euros monthly

Let’s be honest, saving money is difficult. If you can’t make yourself start saving money, you are not alone. Majority of people live from paycheck to paycheck, and that’s not alright! Many of you could benefit from a list of simple steps that will help you increase your savings.

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10 tips on how to reduce your WEEKLY expenses | Finax.EN
8. December 2020

10 tips on how to reduce your WEEKLY expenses

Saving money can be difficult. However, if we do it regularly, we can make it a habit and over time it can lead to significant wealth. The last blog was focused on the bigger, monthly expenses. Today, we will have a better look at the weekly expenses.

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23. April 2020

2 tips for optimizing your family finances during the crisis

A good manager tries to benefit from every situation. While the last blog was dedicated to saving the family budget, this time we will try to help households emerge from the crisis with healthier and stronger outlook on family finances.

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5 New Year's wishes of your money
7. January 2020

5 New Year's wishes of your money

Hello, here we are, your money. Could you please stop for a moment and read what are our New Year's wishes? You've been coughing at us enough. We also want you to take care of us.

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