Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

26. January 2024

Finax Has Acquired ETFmatic and the Investment Activities of Aion Bank

The beginning of the year brought significant change to Finax. We made our first acquisition. We took over the investment division of the Belgian-Polish Aion Bank, including the first pan-European robo-advisor ETFmatic. In this article, we will answer what our motivation was to execute this deal, what it means for Finax and smart investors in the future.

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Financial Markets and War |
19. January 2024

Financial Markets and War

Ever wondered how war impacts the stock market? Recent events in Israel and Gaza have raised questions about the connection between geopolitical conflicts and financial markets. Interestingly, legendary investor Warren Buffett has a unique perspective on this. In this exploration, we'll take a closer look at the ongoing situation in Gaza, understand different ways in which the war affects your investments and uncover potential opportunities for investors during times of market turbulence.

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