Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Bond Market: What You Need to Know |
3. November 2023

The largest bond correction in history is good news for the future

The labyrinthine world of bonds can be confusing for those who are not familiar with its functioning, but it offers important insights into the wider financial system. Over the past few years, bond yields have been on a truly tumultuous journey, with huge swings that have left even seasoned investors scratching their heads. This article sheds light on the wild story of bond yields in recent years.

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10 Daily habits that will help you save money |
27. October 2023

10 Daily habits that will help you save money

As the saying goes, habit is the second nature. If we acquire bad financial habits, our „second nature“ will limit us financially. If we want to lead a better life, we need to change our habits. We bring you 10 simple daily habits. If you manage to adopt them in your daily life, in a couple of years you will have saved a solid amount of money.

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Finax brings solutions that savers could only dream of |
20. October 2023

Finax brings solutions that savers could only dream of

Finax was created to make efficient investing accessible to the masses, even if they have not yet built up a large fortune. We have brought to Slovakia a number of innovations that small investors could only dream of in the past.

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