Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

18. August 2023

Last Year, It Paid to Switch From Real Estate to Equities

So a year ago, we pointed out that investment property probably had its best years behind it. They offered such a unique opportunity to sell and flip assets into beaten-up equities. With a year's hindsight, we can say with a clear conscience that real estate has slipped into the lows, while stocks have begun to recover sharply.

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11. August 2023

When does passive investing achieve the best results?

Passive investing mainly follows the rules of probability. How does the statistical advantage and probability play in favour of intelligent investors and why is the length of investment horizon the main condition for a successful investment?

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5. August 2023

Stop living paycheck to paycheck

The week before payday is the longest week of the month for many people. Are you also counting days until the payday so you can finally go on a shopping spree? Today I will show you a way out of this vicious circle of waiting for paycheck and consumption.

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