Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

5. August 2023

Stop living paycheck to paycheck

The week before payday is the longest week of the month for many people. Are you also counting days until the payday so you can finally go on a shopping spree? Today I will show you a way out of this vicious circle of waiting for paycheck and consumption.

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28. July 2023

Do You Want to Get Rich? Invest Long-Term

Warren Buffett, one of the richest people in the world, bought his first stocks at the age of 11 and continues to buy them even today. At the same time, he says: "I regret that I did not start investing earlier". Buffett's path to wealth is the embodiment of the compound interest principle. In fact, he earned 99% of his fortune after the age of 50.

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21. July 2023

Are you prepared to live 20 years without a salary?

Pensions are not something that is discussed over a beer in Slovakia. However, it is a subject we cannot afford to ignore, as this period represents approximately a fifth of our lives. How much money will I receive during retirement? And will it be possible to make a decent living from this amount? Will I be able to reach the retirement age at all? These are the questions that will sooner or later begin to bother each and every one of us.

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