Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

14. July 2023

Semi-Annual Investment Comparison: How Did Finax and Funds Ride the Market Recovery Wave?

We have experienced a six-month period in which markets have started to recover from last year's declines. Read our regular comparison of the performance of the Finax passive portfolios and the most popular mutual funds. Find out which players missed out on the growth wave and which have offered the best returns over the past year.

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7. July 2023

Do Not Try to Time the Markets, You Will Earn Less

Every day, we witness the vain effort of investors trying to time their investments. Many people postpone it for years in the naive hope of a more profitable purchase. However, this is a pointless effort that robs them of earnings. In the end, those who are scared and speculate hurt the value of their wealth.

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1. July 2023

We're Keeping Our Word and Making It Cheaper: The Deposit Fee Is Over

Last October, we made a promise to you that we would abolish the deposit fee after reaching total deposits of €500 million. We are proud to announce that we have achieved this goal together. We are abolishing the payment processing fee for good.

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