Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

24. April 2023

Interview With Artificial Intelligence About Investing

Our interviews have never seen a guest like this. We asked ten questions about investing and the answers were provided by... artificial intelligence. It resulted in quite an informative discussion about the investment world.

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16. April 2023

Fee Abolition Is Imminent... and You Can Help Bring It Faster!

Making Intelligent Investing cheaper is our long-term goal. In the past, we've introduced several discounts and launched the lower-fee Elite program. Our next step is to abolish the deposit fee – forever and for everyone. Only one last condition keeps us from waiving it right now. Its fulfillment is in your hands, Intelligent Investors.

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14. April 2023

S&P 500 Index - What Is It?

When talking about the economy and investing, experts often cite the performance of the S&P 500 index. What exactly is it? How does it work? And why is it so important? You can learn the answers in this article.

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