Finax Blog

Information which helps you to invest properly.

24. February 2023

How finax performed in 2022

We continued to grow in 2022, which was a vastly different year in terms of the investment environment than the previous record year. Take a peek into the details of Finax's results. Discover interesting statistics about who our clients are and how we're doing.

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16. February 2023

Top 8 Books on Investing.... and more

There's never enough knowledge. This also applies to finance, so we present our list of the 10 best books on investing. These readings will help you better understand both the market and yourself, which means making better investment decisions over the long term. Enjoy your reading!

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10. February 2023

Die With Zero on Your Account

In today's world, we spend our lifetimes focusing on how to acquire enough money to be well off in our old age. But is this the right direction to lead a happy life? Inspired by Bill Perkins´ book Die With Zero, we take a very different view and explore ideas on how to maximize the utility of money in life.

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